discuss about all online world

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


In the past, internet shopping is only about science fiction. Shopping would usually mean strolling around for hours in shopping malls that never seems to have what you are looking for. If you want to shop at home, you will need to be sent through thick catalogs to find items you need.

At present, everything that you need to do from the banks can communicate easily and easy to do on your own computer at home. Online shopping is also to be the best and easiest way to buy rare and not so rare.

However, for most people who have very wide on the concept of online shopping and e-commerce, using credit cards for internet transactions could be a bit scary.

From the early days of the Internet, many companies offering online shopping have made great progress to ensure that they are able to maintain very good availability of their merchandise, proper shipping along with secure and convenient payment transactions.

Of course, online shopping still must be very vigilant and cautious particularly in giving their personal information. With the right knowledge though, online shopping will prove more beneficial for modern consumers compared to conventional shopping.

As an online customer, you will need to find a site that offers a comprehensive knowledge on setting up PayPal and Google checkout accounts, which will allow storage of credit card information with a company which can then be used for future transactions with other companies. There are also many websites that teach consumers make purchases on eBay and Amazon, and compare the prices and other goods on the website.


Wiski.Dumb said...

wadduuuhhh pake bahsa ingris...........
aku dulu SMAnya nilai bhasa inggrisnya ancuurr.

Herdoni Wahyono said...

Di era modern ini belanja online sudah menjadi trend dan kebutuhan karena serba cepat, praktis dan efisien. Kita tidak harus antri berjejal-jejal, dan tidak terjebak kemacetan lalu lintas yang menjengkelkan.

gratisan said...

good info friend.
success always make my friends on this one.

Ocim said...

wew...i don't know about money in internet

Otak's said...

dengan mengikutkan 1 orang untuk datang ke ivent Brad Sugars, anda kapat kesempatan membawa pulang 100jt rupiah. untuk info klik disini www.b-training.co.cc

Unknown said...

salam kenal persahabatan
wadouh ga bawa kamus he..he..btw its reallly good make me know more ho to get the bs
est for online thnxs n good luck ya

Dilla Blog said...

seperti memang begitu sob, belanja online masih menjadi momok yg cukp menakutkan bagi siapa saja, trutama sy sendiri, hi hi hi...

mas.0n0 said...

wah harus punya credit card ya?

Toko Belanja Online said...

Tidak semua belanja online menggunakan credit card, bisa juga melalui transfer antar bank. Untuk berbelanja online secara aman pastikan bahwa kita membeli barang minimal pada perseorangan yang sudah memiliki website karena hal ini menjadi satu hal terpenting dan masih bisa di percaya di banding dengan yang tidak memiliki website. Anggap saja kalau jualan pasti kan punya toko.

Hal tersebut hanya sebagai tips untuk pembeli jangan sampai tertipu, karena kalau orang yang ingin serius berbisnis tentunya dia juga musti keluar modal ya itu tadi minimal ada websitenya.

Sekian tips berbelanja online

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